Our Story - How this project came to be

Sport has many benefits for kids, and European states values physical development and movement as very important in early education. Sport gives children more than just physical well-being, but also important character traits and lifelong values, so it does need to be ensured that active and healthy lifestyle is integrated into young children’s lives.

Cross – cultural cooperation and exchange of good practices will generate understanding for importance of active and healthy lifestyle for early childhood development, and will create a foundation of movements and activities with a range of physical, emotional, and interpersonal benefits designed by the early childhood movement experts.

European Early Childhood Movement Experts project (622642-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-SPO-SCP) is within the scope of the specific aims pursued by the Erasmus + A3 : Erasmus Mundus, Support for Collaborative Partnerships in the field of Sport.

Our Vision

The project European Early Childhood Movement Experts engages children in meaningful physical activities designed by early childhood development experts, to help children lay the foundation of active and healthy lifestyle throughout the project, which will be carried with them during the rest of their lives.