Non- Profit Organization IASIS was founded in 2005 and is active in the field of Social Inclusion, Mental Health, and Education. The total number of beneficiaries of the organization has been estimated at more than 500,000 people since 2006. IASIS NGO has been providing support to anyone in need for 15 years. Its main target groups include:

  • People with mental health problems
  • People facing Poverty
  • Women victims of violence
  • Asylum Seekers
  • Professionals of the Humanitarian and Educational Sector
  • Children and Youngsters

Since 2008, IASIS has been involved in a number of European projects aiming at the development of capacity for the organization itself, for the staff and volunteers and for the beneficiaries. It is currently operating more than 75 active projects (Erasmus+, AMIF, Active Citizens Fund, and more) that involve the aforementioned groups along with, environment, culture, entrepreneurship and other hot topics that concern modern society.



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