International training on Strengthening basic motor skills and the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle for children in early childhood (0-6)
Press release in Info Kompas regarding the local training which d took place on the 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th, and 15th of June 2022
The third transnational meeting that took place within the frames of the EECEME project
The third transnational meeting was held within the project ” European Early Childhood Movement Experts”

The third transnational meeting of the European Early Childhood Movement Experts- EECEME project took place on 23 and 24 May 2022 in Vimercate, Italy. The meeting was hosted by the […]
How sports experts encourage confidence in kids
Confidence is the quality of being certain of your abilities. When this applies to sports, it may refer to the belief that we can take on challenges, execute skills or […]
How sports experts help kids to lead a successful social life

The social skills of the child are encouraged enormously, especially in team sports such as basketball, football, or hockey, but also in certain individual sports such as running or martial […]
Socializing and Sports after COVID-19 

Parents and their children nowadays face many challenges related to their children’s motivation, education, and development. There are a number of reasons why sports in early childhood improve one’s quality […]
Practices of physical activities in early childhood

Promoting movement and physical activity in children from the early first years of their life generates healthy education and balanced development of the personality. Through movement, the child acquires numerous […]
Project Newsletter N°1, 2021

The project European Early Childhood Development Movement Expert has STARTED!!! The EECEME project started on 1 st of January 2021 and will end on 30 June 2023. The project has […]
Transnational meeting in Vienna, Austria within the frames of the project “European Early Childhood Education Movement Experts (EECEME)”

On October 11 and 12, 2021 in Vienna, Austria, the first transnational meeting within the frames of the “European Early Childhood Education Movement Experts” project was held, which is implemented […]
After Quarantine Activation: Fun Activities for the Kids and More!
No matter the place or country, COVID-19 has impacted all people in many aspects of theirdaily life. The two most severe aspects that COVID-19 has affected is health, forcing peopleto […]